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Ein Panorama, dass es so nicht mehr gibt!
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Das Panorama bevor es los geht mit dem Radlader.
Bleiben Sie gespannt!
Wir berichten weiter.
Something is going on in Hamanns Sumpf...
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What are we doing? Take a look at the next articles, which will be published in the coming time
Do you like to write something in the comments here - what do you think? What do we have in mind ?
Coronavirus Covid-19: Öffentliche Fahrten & Veranstaltungen abgesagt
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Wie Sie vielleicht schon gelesen haben, planen wir den Beginn der Fahrten ab dem 05. April. Auf Grund der aktuellen Situation mit dem Covid-19 wurden vom Land Schleswig-Holstein alle öffentlichen Veranstaltungen abgesagt. Dieses gilt auch für unsere öffentlichen Zugfahrten.
Wir nehmen die Maßnahmen des Landes sehr ernst und leisten dem selbstverständlich folge.
Ihr und unser Schutz steht im Zentrum unserer Arbeiten und daher werden diese bis zur Aufhebung der Sperre ausgesetzt. Wir halten Sie über unsere Website auf dem Laufenden.
Wir möchten an dieser Stelle daran appellieren sich an die Anweisung der Behörden zu halten, es dient Ihrem und anderer Mitbürger Schutz.
- Bitte nicht eigenmächtig auf das Moorgelände gehen, da sich überall offenes Moor befindet. Ohne ortskundigen Führer besteht überall "LEBENSGEFAHR" -
Bleiben Sie gesund und wir freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen mit Ihnen, wenn die Situation es erlaubt.
Ihr Moorbahn Team
First operation day 2020 - spring is here - season kick-off
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It is time.... to keep moving April 5th 2020
(Because of the corona virus pandemie the start of the season may change - we update you!)
Sun is getting warmer and its time to bug winter away. What can be better as to make an open-ait train ride? We have the cars, you are the good mood. Come on over!
On April 5th 2020 we let the train run between 10 am to 5 pm.
Come on over and open the season with us.
Problems to move?
This is no problem. Our new low-floor cars make it easy to get-on and off. You can see this on the right in the image.
There is a bench at the moor station where you can take a break. We are here to help you.
We have reserved spaces for you (directly at the gate) in the parking lot at the bog pool. You reach the train barrier-free.
What you are used to...
We have prepared drinks and small treats as usual.
Swamp guided tour
As so often, we conduct a moor tour from the moor station. The moor guide will explain what to see here. We don't want to reveal any more. Please bring sturdy shoes to participate.
How long takes a round trip?
A round trip including a moor tour takes about 45 minutes.
See you soon
Moorbahn Team
Moorführer(innen) gesucht!
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Möchten Sie Besucher in die Geheimnisse von Hamanns Sumpf einweihen? Haben Sie Lust mit einer Truppe von Freiwilligen (uns) an Fahrtagen Spass mit Gästen zu haben?
Dann sind Sie richtig, suchen Sie nicht weiter!
Was erwartet Sie und was wünschen wir uns:
Die Moorführungen runden das Programm an den Fahrtagen der Kurbahn mit dem Moorbahn ab. So werden bei den Führungen Wissenswertes zum Moor, der Geschichte der Heilanwendungen und der Natur erzählt.
Die Besucher sind immer sehr glücklich, wenn Ihnen nach der Moorbahnfahrt die Anlage und die Natur erklärt werden! Schauen Sie mal bei den Feedbacks im Netz nach.
Eine Einarbeitung in die freiwillige Arbeit geht dem natürlich vorraus.
Der erste Fahrtag ist Anfang April. Wenn Sie Zeit und Lust haben, arbeiten wir Sie schon vorher ein - es ist nicht kompliziert.
Melden Sie sich bei uns unter folgenden Kontakt >>
Track removal to extend the tracks
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Less is more - to extend the tracks at first some must be removed - sounds contradict?
In this section we report on the changes on the railway tracks. We are currently working in parallel at two locations, the train station and the moor station. We also clean the track of moss and dry the tracks. The cleaning is done in such a way that the moss on the sleepers is removed. The motivation for this section comes from talking to you about what changes along the tracks.
The upper oval shows the position of the railway crossing; the lower one is the moor station.
Read below about the changes near the kiosk and then at the moor station.
Source: Open Streetmaps
Railway crossing at the kiosk (upper circle)
On December 31st, 2019, Andreas and Christian started to remove the tracks from the curve towards the concrete piet pool. First the tab bolts were removed with a nut sprinkler - the whole thing only happens with muscle strength and is therefore absolutely climate neutral! Then the tabs and rail fittings could be removed. on Janurary 3rd January 2020, the curve on the railway crossing was completely pulled out by Andreas and Jörg with the help of two winches.
The wooden sleepers were knocked off with a hammer and the rail nails were pulled out. Finally, the rails were gradually pushed out of the way using a crowbar. Finally, the route was completed at the station with a protective stop signal.
The ground of the level crossing was smoothed out and the path was made accessible again. The aim is to extend the route at the station towards the entrance and make it passable. Considerable earthwork is still required here.
The tracks running around the moor basin at the entrance will be completely dismantled. The reason is that the curve radii were designed by the employees of the clinic at that time for lorry operation. Today's passenger cars have a larger wheelbase and only allow a larger radius. In any case, the route would have had to be converted for operation.
Moor station (lower circle)
We have already reported on something else at the moor station. The tracks were extended here in the course of autumn / winter 2019.
For this purpose, sleepers were first moved from the stock to the moor station and stacked here in the form of a pagoda. There are two pieces of wood below and the smoldering wood above it and it can dry.
With the help of a mini excavator, the route was bent into its current position. On December 30th, 2019, the sleepers were stabilized with support beams from Andreas, Christian and Jörg. The tracks are not yet passable, topsoil or sand has to be placed under and around the sleepers.
In comparison, you can see the same place in the picture on the left of exactly one year where the topsoil and sand were spent.
The track results in an extension of approximately 80 meters (about 250 ft)
Images: Kurbahn Bad Bramstedt.
"Ihr Anzeiger": Im Moor beginnt die Zukunft
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Andreas Knopf hat große Pläne: Hamanns Sumpf soll zum Klimaschutzgebiet werden +++ auf dem Gelände soll eine Klimaschutz-Versuchsstrecke für neuartige Schienenfahrzeugkonzepte entstehen
What for a great last operation day 2019
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Today on December 29th 2019 the last opertation day took place as previously abbounced. We were overwhelmed by all guests and would like to thank everyone for coming today. Time just flew away!
We also would like to take the chance to thank our young guests for waiving the green flag. This is the signal for the train driver to run the train. This was a great help. Keep going that way!
Next operation day will take place in April 2020 and we look forward to welcome everyone back.
Some impressions of today:
Train enters Moorbanhhof
Our Moorführer (seamp guide) Christian had all hands full to do
Andreas moves the engine to the opposite side of the train to push it into the station
Car parade at the barn. Lores to the left and new passenger cars to the right
Andreas changes the position of the engine.